Birthday Cake Idea: Cupcakes Instead of Cake

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I need a birthday cake idea that helps avoid a mess. What alternatives are there?

Birthday Cake Idea: Cupcakes Instead of Cake

If you want to serve cupcakes rather than large birthday cake be creative about it. Presentation is important so make a design using the cupcakes. An idea is to use the cupcakes to make a bouquet of balloons, one for each child. Follow the instructions below:

  • Take your frosting and divide it into several small bowls and color each one differently.
  • Frost each cupcake one color.
  • Place cupcakes on a large tray.
  • Arrange cupcakes like a bouquet of balloons. You can use ribbons, yarn or thin licorice candy to decorate. Lay a ribbon or long piece of licorice at the base of each cupcake and bring them all together. When it's time to serve the cake, just lift up each cupcake off the platter.

*You could do a similar idea by making each cupcake look like a flower, using candies for petals.



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